понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Hey guys I just wanted to let everyone know that I may not be very active over the upcoming week. Iapos;ve basically been waiting to the event to end, and the things that Cloud absolutely had to be around for to get over before I did this. Life has been sort of crazy right now, and to top if off Iapos;m sick. Like, really sick. So i just thought I would let everyone know whatapos;s going on. I should be around, reading and keeping up with things, but I probably wonapos;t be interacting much unless itapos;s needed.

I hope to be back in the swing of things soon, and I hope to be able to bring Riku in as soon as things calm down slightly. So again, sorry guys If you need to reach me for any reason, my email is HollowRefuge@aol.com, or if you prefer, my AIM is HollowRefuge, but I think most of you now that already. I hope to be back soon

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Well, I havenapos;t posted anything, in like what?�A�fucking week�Ha ha, go me�Okay, I am such a loser,�I fail life. I also fail at posting GazettE�Yaoi apparantly, oh well, life moves on. Iapos;m not trying anymore, Iapos;ll just post my fanfiction elsewhere. *shrug*�No one comments really my stories anyways�Ha ha what the fuck does the header have to do with anything anyways?�Oh, the genre and all that shit, fuck, I donapos;t even pay attention to that shit I just read the goddamn story. Lol Iapos;m weird like that, so I guess Iapos;ll post in J-rock fanfics even though no one fucking goes there.

Iapos;m still a bit drunk from last night, god.

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Boyfriends are a pain Adam got quite a bit too drunk out with friends, on his way to the bus he phoned me to say he was making his way home. Only mid conversation he dropped his phone and broke it.... I always end up thinking the worst so thought he had passed out or something� Rather than go straight home he turned up at mine to tell me drunkenly that his phone was broke and that i shouldnt worry

Im still procrastinating, rather than do essays today i tidied my room, well it did need doing At least now i have a clean clutter free (kind of) space that i sleep better in so im more rested for when i do start my essays ^_^

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�� Dear diary, well my Lady has been off for the weekend to save the the world again. She went north to do her leather stuff. She is supposed to be helping run a title event and I know how much she loves doing that stuff. I love the fact that she dosenapos;t make me go with her though because they are ussally a weekend with gay leather guys and held in bars. I donapos;t really mind the guys but donapos;t like hanging out in bars at all. I gave up drinking and donapos;t really like being around a bunch of peple who are. I do love being hers and feel guilty about not going with her but am so glad she dosenapos;t force the issue. I am also so glad she didnapos;t do like she said and lock me up in my chasity device before she left, That thing really is terrible but as hers if she wished then that would be better then having to go with her. I am happier being at home but being alone really sucks. I miss her very much although it is for a couple days. It was sweetest day today and my sweetest wasnapos;t here with me. I spent most of the day being lazy and went shopping for something for her and ended up buying something for my boy that I can save for xmas and also stopped to get some needed thigh highs that were in an ad on sale. She has said that my panties and hose and such should be color corinated better but that is a little hard to do when� all I can seem to buy is black and tan. I donapos;t have all the money like I wish I did for that kind of stuff and know for a fact that it isnapos;t my money she likes. Iapos;m not really sure why Iapos;m so blessed to be hers but I can tell you itapos;s not the money. I do work everyday and get by, but after shopping today, well you know how a girl can get when shopping. It will be tight for a few days until my next paycheck but iapos;m sure she will like what I got her, she is worth it. I just wish I could buy her more then I do now. Well now that my homework is done maybe I can get some sleep, although with her not here that can be difficult, I do miss her very much and need her also. I need her to tell me itapos;s time for bed, wrether Iapos;m ready or not, and miss having her to hold.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Elijah was excited.

No, scratch that.

Elijah was elated

He trotted proudly by Domapos;s side and didnapos;t try to fight the smile on his face.

Running and grinning like an idiot to catch the bus that was still waiting at the bus stop... Man he must have looked like a loon. Fortunately there was a queue, mostly made up of old ladies and their shopping strollers and bleary eyed teenagers who had spent their night out drinking and partying.

He and Dom paid the fare, and found seats at the back of the bus. They didnapos;t sit together, in fact, Elijah sat in the outer seat on one side of the aisle and Dom sat in the aisle seat across from him. Elijah stretched his body out and yawned. He was sleepy and weary as he hadnapos;t slept much that night for obvious reasons and the main reason sat across from him wearing a goofy smile. Elijah tried not to laugh at that. He tried not to notice Dom at all, but once youapos;d had a taste of Mr. Dominic Monaghan, there was no ignoring him.

"How far is it from here?" he asked avoiding Domapos;s direct gaze.

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This is so unfair.
I look at this guy and realize I am getting mad.....crazy......as if something is whollly fk wrong with me....
I used to like him...or better to say HIM in his image....
He reminds me of someone....both good and bad for me...but I really do hope he is not that bad as the man who was with me....I mean this person Ville Valle reminds me of is not bad but there were things I would call bad in our relations.
Oh...I gotta say that we did not date with this person apos;cause he resembled to Ville, but I was tied to this person and maybe that is why Ville reminds me of him....hope everything is clear on this.....apos;cause I would not have understood a word here.

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Raine, blame your mother. Your godmothers (those of us from maid uniform school, anyway) may not be the best people to lead you through the path of God. Take a gander at these tidbits regarding our preparation for your christening:

Regarding dress code:
- Do we have to look like adults?
- I donapos;t know. Jeans and blouse?
- Donapos;t want to go all out and be overdressed though or look like Iapos;m applying for a job.

During the ceremony:
- "Are we supposed to be there?"
- "We are so out of our element: church and children."

And the gifts:
- one godmother had her mother and aunt buy your gift. And all she could say on the card was "enjoy your new religion."
- another godmother faced this conundrum: "what does one give a godchild? apart from the usual beauty, a good singing voice and sleep instead of death when a witch would want to kill her with a spindle on her 16th birthday?"

Welcome to our world, little girl.

"Oh, yes. That babyapos;s not going to have any pressure at all."
- (Studio 60)

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I have a sore throat. I donno if its cause of the screaming during the football game.
buh w/e So i was at school today( yea i kno, its a saturday and im at school) , and my good buddy calls me, that he got into a university
WOOOOO�CONGRATS� he got into Meji University. Pretty good school for buisness. Proud of him. But hes still going to apply for some national university like me. Now its really like me left, to get into some college. Pressure on me, all eyes on me. Damn.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Donderdag 16 oktober. Frank komt om 9.00 uur. Hij geeft biologie, en gaat graag in om vragen waar leerlingen mee zitten. Ik val middenin zijn verhaal, en zie 6 kinderen op een rijtje staan en met hun armen wapperen. "Toe maar, ga maar door, tot je niet meer kunt... Nog even, nog iets sneller..." Ik ga meedoen, ben benieuwd waar het over gaat, denk dat het zal gaan over het effect van het wapperen op je armen daarna. Nee, dat is het niet. Als iedereen moe is van het armen bewegen, zegt Frank: "Jullie hebben nog geen 5 minuten gewapperd en zijn nu al moe, en er is niets gebeurd."

Wat was het idee? Kijken of wij niet zouden kunen vliegen. Natuurlijk kunnen we dat niet, maar door een paar minuten met je armen te wapperen, en dan te voelen hoe moe je bent, kun je je nog beter voorstellen dat wij ook nooit op eigen kracht kunnen vliegen."Vogels vliegen uren aan een stuk, wij hebben daar de spieren niet voor", zegt Frank. "Heb je wel eens een kipfilet gezien? En dan twee bij elkaar? Zo'n groot stuk van hun lijf gebruiken vogels om mee te vliegen." Een leuk experiment. Later vliegen de papieren vliegtuigjes ons om de oren. Die doen het wel Hoe kan dat nou? Volgende keer maar eens een hele les erbij blijven om dat te weten te komen...

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